Litter and dog fouling

Keep Torfaen Tidy

The council has the power to issue on-the-spot fines of £100 to anyone caught dropping litter. This includes cigarette butts and items such as apple cores and banana peel. Some litter items can take take hundreds of years to decompose.

Anyone caught not cleaning up after their dog has pooed can also be given a £100 on-the-spot fine.

You can report a litter problem or report dog fouling online.

You can also report via the Torfaen Council app or by calling 01495 762200.

Find out how we are trying to tackle litter in Torfaen

What the council does?

  • Empty 700 litter bins every week
  • Clean satellite shopping centres every day
  • Cleanse every street once a fortnight
  • Work with Keep Wales Tidy to provide community litter picking hubs
  • Work with Keep Wales Tidy to create school or business Litter Free Zones
  • Support litter picking volunteer groups

What you can do?

  • Pick up litter and put into the nearest litter bin.
  • Become a volunteer litter picker. For more information, contact our Litter and Fly-tipping officer Oliver James for help on
  • Report abandoned trolleys via the TrolleyWise website 
  • Report a litter problem or report dog fouling problems online or via our app
Last Modified: 14/05/2024
For more information contact:

Street Scene

Tel: 01495 762200


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