Supplementary Planning Guidance

What is Supplementary Planning Guidance?

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) are documents produced by the Council to give guidance to the public, applicants and developers when making planning applications. SPG provides supplementary information in respect of the policies in the adopted Torfaen Local Development Plan. It is a means of setting out more detailed thematic or site specific guidance on how these policies will be applied in particular circumstances or areas. SPGs are one of the 'material considerations' taken into account when determining planning applications or appeals.

SPG can take the following forms:

  • Topical guidance such as shop front design or biodiversity
  • Site specific guidance such as development frameworks or development briefs; and
  • Numerical guidelines or thresholds which may change during the plan period, such as car parking standards, so as to avoid the current plan becoming too quickly outdated. This does not however include where these targets are key policy such as targets for future housing provision

List of Adopted SPG

List of Adopted SPG
SPG DocumentExecutive Summary of SPGStatus / Date Adopted by CouncilCost for Paper Copy (inc postage and packing)

Green Infrastructure SPG

Exec Summary Green Infrastructure SPG

Adopted February 2024


Biodiversity, Ecosystem Resilience and Development SPG

Exec Summary Biodiversity SPG

Adopted February 2024


Sustainable Locations SPG


Adopted June 2023


Site Design, Masterplanning and Development Brief SPG

Exec Summary Site Design SPG

Adopted February 2023


Revised Planning Obligations SPG


For ease of use, the individual annexes are also available to download at the links below:


Exec Summary Revised Planning Obligations SPG

Adopted February 2023


House Extension and Alterations SPG (December 2022)


Adopted December 2022


Blaenavon Industrial Landscape World Heritage Site Design Guide (April 2011)


Adopted April 2011


Traditional Shopfronts Design Guide


Confirmed as Adopted SPG & Updated February 2024


TCBC Residential and Industrial Design Guide (for highway construction) - due to file size, the SPG has been split into 3 parts below:-


N.B The Council’s highways service uses the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation’s ‘Manual for Streets 2, 2010’, and where that doesn’t provide for a particular enquiry they refer to this Design Guide. The intention is to update the SPG with a ‘Streets Design Guide’ in due course.


Adopted December 2000


TCBC/CSS Wales: Wales Parking Standards (2014)


Adopted September 2016


List of Published Supporting / Background Documents

SPG DocumentExecutive SummaryStatus / Date Adopted by CouncilCost for Paper Copy (inc postage and packing)

Planning and biodiversity guidance for householder and other minor applications




Cwmavon Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan


Published April 2011


Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Proposals


Monmouth & Brecon Canal Conservation Area Boundary Maps 


Published February 2011


Blaenavon Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

Blaenavon Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan - Executive Summary

Published October 2017


Pontypool Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan




Torfaen Green Infrastructure Assessment

Torfaen Green Infrastructure Assessment Executive Summary

Published December 2021


Torfaen Open Space Assessment (to follow)

To follow

To follow

To follow

Interactive mapping

To support some of our SPG documents, we have put together an interactive map: Torfaen County Borough Council - Local Plan: Masterplanning ( This is currently specifically relevant to the Green Infrastructure SPG adopted 27 Feb 2024, the Site Design, Masterplanning and Development Brief SPG adopted 28 Feb 2023 and the Sustainable Locations SPG adopted 13 June 2023.

Please click on the link to access a map of Torfaen with viewable layers of information (both constraints and opportunities) to help with your site analysis and design of your development site. A locality or site can be found by zooming to the right area or via the address search function. The different layers of information can be viewed individually or in combination as required by clicking to turn them on and off. The eye symbol identifies those that are visible. Any additional information available is accessed via the ‘i’. Distances and areas can be measured using the tool. There is a tutorial and help function within the software on the left hand side of the screen but if you have any issues or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Please be advised that this information source represents the most up to date data that we have but should still be checked by any user to ensure its accuracy ‘on the ground’.

A Welsh language version of the mapping is available by clicking on the language button towards the bottom left corner of the screen.

Development Viability Model (DVM)

The Council has worked in partnership with other Councils across the region, alongside Town Planning and Development consultants Burrows-Hutchinson Ltd, to establish a viability assessment tool. The DVM has been created as a comprehensive, user-friendly model that can be used by site promoters and decision makers for the purpose of assessing the financial viability of a development proposal. To obtain a site-specific copy of the DVM, together with the user guide and videos, or to discuss any matters relating to the DVM, please contact us on

The fees for the provision of a copy of the DVM are as follows:

Residential Schemes

  • 1 - 9 dwellings - £195 +VAT (£234)
  • 10 - 50 dwellings - £345 +VAT (£414)
  • 51 - 100 dwellings - £495 +VAT (£594)
  • 101 - 150 dwellings - £595 +VAT (£714)
  • 151 - 250 dwellings - £650 +VAT (£780)
  • 251 - 350 dwellings - £750 +VAT (£900)
  • 351 - 450 dwellings - £850 +VAT (£1,020)
  • 451 - 550 dwellings - £950 +VAT (£1,140)
  • 551 - 650 dwellings - £1,050 +VAT (£1,260)
  • 651 - 750 dwellings - £1,150 +VAT (£1,380)
  • 751 - 850 dwellings - £1,250 +VAT (£1,500)
  • 851 - 950 dwellings - £1,350 +VAT (£1,620)
  • Over 950 dwellings - £ to be agreed with Council depending on size / complexity of proposal

Commercial Schemes

  • Less than 0.4ha - £195 +VAT (£234)
  • 0.4ha to <2.0ha - £345 +VAT (£414)
  • 2.0ha to <4.0ha - £495 +VAT (£594)
  • Over 4ha - £ to be agreed with Council depending on size / complexity / type of proposal

Administration and Monitoring Fee for S106 Agreements / Service Level Standards

The Council on 28 June 2011 has resolved to introduce a separate fee system applicable to planning applications which require the processing and monitoring of a Section 106 legal agreement, and publish its associated Service Level Standards. The fee charged will contribute towards the administrative and professional resources required within the Planning Department to provide the planning service. The Administration and Monitoring Fee for S106 Agreements document and S106 Service Level Standards are available to download.

Adopted Torfaen LDP Appendix 2 List of SPGs withdrawn by Council February 2024

  • Avondale Road Industrial Estate Design Strategy, July 2002
  • Blaenavon Conservation Plan, 2003
  • Clarence Corner Development Brief, 2003
  • Council Land & Open Space Strategy
  • Development and its incorporation within the Landscape, February 2000
  • Gilchrist Thomas Industrial Estate Design Guide
  • Henllys Policy Statement, May 1993
  • Historic Landscape Characterisation (Blaenavon) - Gwent Guide
  • Pentwyn Draft Policy Statement, November 1992
  • Polo Grounds & South Pontypool Industrial Estates Design Strategy, July 2002
  • Replacement Dwellings in the Countryside, December 2004
  • Temporary Buildings
  • The Bakery Site Development Brief, December 2004
  • Trevethin Community School Development Brief, November 2011

Further Information

Further information regarding SPGs can be obtained by contacting the Forward Planning or Development Management teams within Torfaen.

Last Modified: 07/05/2024
For more information contact:

Planning Policy and Implementation

Tel: 01633 648039


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