The Index (Register of Disabled Children)

Why have an Index?

By Law every Local Authority is requires to keep a Register of Disabled Children within their area.  In Torfaen we prefer to call it the Index. It helps us plan services and provide relevant information to Parents, Carers, Children and Young People. 

The Index is voluntary – Children and their Parents/Carers can choose whether they wish to be included on the Index.

Why should I put my child on the Index?

  • Help plan future Services for Children/Young People more effectively.
  • Provide statistical information to the Government.
  • Act as a gateway for the Local Authority and its partners to ask children, young people and their families what they think and want (via voluntary consultations).

Who is the index for?

Children or young people, under the age of 18, who have a disability which has a marked impact on their daily life, including children with:

  • Autistic spectrum disorder 
  • Behavioural/social/emotional difficulties
  • Chronic, Life Threatening or Serious Illness
  • A medical condition 
  • A physical disability
  • Sensory impairment 
  • A learning disability/difficulty
  • Multiple disabilities

Children with a Disability Eligibility for Support information 

The Index is not:

  • linked to any other Register – there is no connection between the Index and the Child Protection Register
  • a condition for receiving services – you do not have to be on the Index to receive services from us
  • a referral to Social Services
  • available to anyone who asks – details on the Index are strictly confidential and can only be shared with other agencies if consent has been given

You can add your child's details to the Index here.

Our contact details

If you need more help, please contact us.

Telephone: 01495 762200


Our Address:

Children with Disability Team
Torfaen Social Care and Housing Services
Civic Centre

Last Modified: 13/06/2024
For more information contact:

Children with Disability Team

Tel: 01495 762200


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