Statement of Intent for Delivering Integrated Health and Social Care for Older People with Complex Needs

The Welsh Government’s recent consultation document, ‘A Framework for Delivering Integrated Health and Social Care’, sets out how the Welsh Government’s ambition for truly integrated Health and Social Care services for older people is to be implemented. It is anticipated that this approach will make Health and Social Care outcomes better and more consistent, as well as strengthen community-based care. Effective multi-disciplinary assessments will become standard practice, the role of the General Practitioner (GP) more central, and early intervention, Reablement and Intermediate Care part of a single co-ordinated system.

In order to take this programme of work forward, the Welsh Government have called for Local Authorities to work in partnership with Health Boards in order to implement a series of specific actions. In taking these actions forward, Torfaen will be working in partnership with the former Gwent Authorities and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB).

The following Statement of Intent and Action Plan constitutes the Statement of Intent on Integrated Care for Older People with Complex Needs between the former Gwent Local Authorities and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. It has been developed jointly with colleagues from the former Gwent Local Authorities and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board to provide a Torfaen Local Authority response, within an overarching regional context.

Last Modified: 05/12/2018
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