Introduction - Chief Executive

Our County Plan sets out our ambition and aspiration for Torfaen and how we will do things differently in responding to the needs, challenges and opportunities for our residents and communities.

The County Plan is not a definitive blueprint for our work, but a framework within which change can be encouraged, directed and responded to. The plan will be reviewed on a regular basis and as schemes and projects are developed, they will form part of an annual delivery plan which moves our ambition into action.

This approach is important to ensure that the plan remains iterative and agile so that new initiatives, challenges and opportunities can be responded to throughout the life of the plan. Such as embedding the Marmot principles which address well-being and inequity and align to our 9 well-being objectives.

At the heart of our plan are four central themes that will guide our policy making and service design over the coming years. These themes are Connectivity, Well-being, Sustainability and Culture and Heritage. These themes will help to ensure decisions and planning is focused around the big picture and vision for the County.

Being better connected is not just about the physical or digital infrastructure. It’s about connecting people with their community, enabling that sense of belonging so that people can access the range of activities, services and support on offer when it is needed.

We want all children and young people to have a great start in life and be healthy, safe and inspired to be the best they can be. We recognise that for some children and young people life can be particularly tough, and we are determined to address the inequalities which put these children and young people at a disadvantage. We want our young people to be proud to grow up in Torfaen and feel able to build their lives here, this requires us to deliver excellent learning and education facilities, great job opportunities and homes that young people can afford to buy or rent.

We want to create a thriving economy and unlock the potential of the county as a unique and special place to visit at a regional, national and international level. Torfaen can offer a unique blend of heritage, rugged landscapes, high quality public spaces, modern leisure attractions, a diverse shopping experience and new cultural and arts developments.

We want to develop the environment and infrastructure that helps the county respond to the challenges of climate change and public health. A greener county that is sustainable with better walking and cycling options and good public transport links to encourage ways of getting about that benefits people’s health and is better for the environment.

We are committed to working in partnership with town and community councils, community partners, private enterprise and our fellow public sector partners. We recognise we will only be able to deliver on our ambition by working together effectively.

The council must also maintain financial resilience to enable us to continue to serve the people of Torfaen. We must invest prudently in the county and to continue to deliver the services that our residents need. This will continue to remain at the forefront of our thinking. Our ambitions are set out in this plan and to achieve them we will build upon the strengths of our people, our places and our past while embracing the future to create a county which is better connected in every way.

In a regionally competitive Wales, Torfaen needs to stand out and be prepared to attract inward investment that benefits all of our residents and ensures Torfaen remains a great place to live, visit, work, learn and do business.

Stephen Vickers
Chief Executive Officer

Last Modified: 10/02/2023
For more information contact:

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Tel: 01495 762200


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