Continuing NHS Healthcare

What is continuing NHS healthcare?

Continuing NHS healthcare (also known as CHC) is the name given to a package of services which is arranged and funded solely by the NHS for those people who have been assessed as having a primary health need. You can receive CHC in any setting including your own home or in any care home.

In your own home, this means the NHS will pay for healthcare (e.g. services from a community nurse or specialist therapist) and social care, but this does not include the costs of food, accommodation or general household support.

In a care home, if you are eligible for CHC, the NHS pays for your care home fees, including board and accommodation.

CHC is funded by the NHS, unlike the help from social services for which a charge may be made depending on your income, savings and capital assets.

Further information is available in the Continuing NHS Healthcare Leaflet, and includes:

  • Who is eligible for continuing NHS healthcare?
  • How will my primary health need to be assessed?
  • Who will be involved and who will decide if I am eligible?
  • Do I have to agree for the assessment to be completed?
  • What if I refuse to be assessed or give consent but then change my mind?
  • What if I have been found eligible but I refuse the care package offered by the NHS
  • Will my care needs be reviewed?
  • What if I am not eligible for continuing NHS healthcare?
  • What is NHS Funded Nursing Care?
  • Who is eligible for Funded Nursing Care?
  • What do I do if I am not happy with the outcome of the assessment?
  • Where can I get more information on continuing NHS healthcare or Funded Nursing Care?
Last Modified: 05/12/2018
For more information contact:

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Tel: 01495 762200


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