Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011

The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 replaced the Welsh Language Act 1993 and as part of the new legislation :

  • The Welsh Language has equal legal status with English and must not be treated less favourably
  • Public bodies no longer need to develop and implement Welsh Language Schemes
  • The right of individuals to use the language freely in their daily lives

As part of our obligations under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, the Council must publish a five year strategy which shows how we will promote and facilitate the use of Welsh. The strategy, approved by Council on 27 February 2024, outlines the strategic direction during 2024 – 2029 that will assist the growth of the Welsh language within the Borough and support the Welsh Government’s vision of a million Welsh speakers by 2050.

The contribution of partners, the private sector, third sector and the residents of Torfaen have a part to play in achieving the priorities of the Strategy.

From 30 March 2016, Local Authorities, National Parks and Welsh Government are required to comply with a specific set of Welsh language Standards, issued within Compliance Notices that replace Welsh Language Schemes.

The Council was issued their Compliance Notices by the Welsh Language Commissioner on 30th September 2015. The document lists which Standards (as listed in full in the Welsh Language Standards Regulations (No.1) 2015) the organisation must comply with, along with their implementation dates and any exemptions.

The council is required to publish a document noting how it intends to comply at a corporate level with the Standards and what its internal processes are for oversight and monitoring implementation. This document is published below.

Our progress is recorded each year in the annual report. Here is a link to our latest Annual Report.

Welsh Language Commissioner Decision Reports and Notices

Section 77 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 allows the Welsh Language Commissioner to investigate failures to comply with relevant Standards. Published Investigations carried out into Torfaen County Borough Council are listed below with a link to the relevant Report and Decision Notice.

The council accepts the recommendations contained within the decision notices.

2023 - 2024

The Council would like to encourage members of the public to tell us if they think that we are not meeting our Welsh Language Standards obligations so that we can continue to make improvements in service delivery and aide effective communication.

Last Modified: 18/06/2024
For more information contact:

Welsh Language Officer

Tel: 01495 766096

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