Local Authority Environmental Permits

Environmental Permitting Regulations

Environmental Permits are issued to industrial processes that are potentially polluting to land, air or water.  The permits set conditions to which the industrial process must comply.

The current legislation for the control of industry emissions are the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 and the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016

Industries which are regulated under the legislation fall into one of three categories depending on the nature and size of the business.

The category an industrial process falls into depends on the nature of the emissions being controlled and the size of the process.


  • Part A1 processes – Regulated by the Natural Resources Wales
  • Part A2 processes – Regulated by the local authority
  • Part B processes – Regulated by the local authority

A1 and A2 permits regulate emissions to air, land and water and noise and energy efficiency. Part B permits regulate emissions to air.

Torfaen County Borough Council currently regulate 18 Part B processes and 1 Part A2 processes.

Details of the Environmental Permits regulated by Torfaen County Borough Council can be found on the Environmental Permit Public Register page.

Current applications can be found on the Environmental Permit Applications page.

Further details of the above Environmental Permits can be found on the Environmental Permit Public Register.

Last Modified: 07/12/2022
For more information contact:

Public Health

Tel: 01633 647622

Email: public.health@torfaen.gov.uk

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