Statement of Accounts

Local Authorities are governed by a rigorous structure of controls to provide stakeholders with the assurance and confidence that public money has been properly accounted for. As part of this process of accountability, the Council is required to produce a set of accounts in order to inform you, as a stakeholder in the Council that we have properly accounted for all the money we have received and spent and that the financial standing of the Council is secure.

A copy of the Statement of Accounts for each year is available to download below:

Greater Gwent (Torfaen) Pension Fund Annual Report & Accounts

Auditors’ Reports and Letters of Completion 2022-2023

The International Standards on Auditing (ISA) require our external auditors to report certain matters to the Council arising from their audit of our accounts. These reports are known as ISA 260 reports.

Gwent Archives Joint Committee

For more information please contact David Lilly, Head of Financial Services on 01495 742624, or Sharon Coles, Group Accountant on 01495 766115.

Last Modified: 14/06/2024
For more information contact:

Tel: 01495 766105

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