What type of application do I need?

For domestic work there is a choice of application routes, Full Plans, Building Notice & Regularisation Application for retrospective works.

Watch our video on how the building control process works

Full plans

If you wish to have your plans checked and approved before the work starts, to avoid any costly errors and corrective work on site by not being fully up to speed with the ever changing regulations, we recommend you apply using Full Plans form.

An application deposited under this procedure needs to contain plans and other information showing all construction details, preferably well in advance of when work is to start on site.

Your local authority will check your plans and consult any appropriate authorities.

If your plans comply with the Building Regulations you will receive a notice stating that they have been approved. If your local authority is not satisfied you may be asked to make amendments or provide more details. Alternatively, a conditional approval may be issued. This will either specify modifications which must be made to the plans; or will specify further plans which must be deposited with your authority.

If your plans are rejected the reasons will be stated in the notice. A full plans approval notice is valid for three years from the date of deposit of the plans

Building notices

If the work is uncomplicated and you are happy that you or your builder has a reasonably good understanding of the regulations, then you can use a Building Notice form. The advantage of the building notice procedure is that detailed drawings are not formally required for approval, although some details such as structural calculations may be required. You may start work 48 hours after your notice has been received by the local authority.

Plans are not required with this process so it’s quicker and less detailed than the full plans application. It is designed to enable some types of building work to get under way quickly; although it is perhaps best suited to small or basic work.

There are also specific exclusions in the regulations as to when building notices cannot be used in relation to domestic work; a Building Notice cannot be used:

  • For work which will be built close to or over the top of storm water and foul drains shown on the 'map of sewers'
  • Where a new building will front onto a private street
  • Where the proposed building is of designated use under the Regulatory Reform Order (Fire Safety)

A 'building notice' is valid for three years from the date the notice was given to the local authority, after which it will automatically lapse if the building work has not commenced.

Retrospective regularisation applications

If the work has already recently started or possibly even been completed without proper consent, then a retrospective application can be made using a Regularisation form. You can even use this if the work was carried out by a former owner. Any work can potentially be regularised as long as it was carried out after the 11 November 1985

The purpose of the process is to regularise the unauthorised works and obtain a certificate of regularisation. Depending on the circumstances, exposure, removal and/or rectification of works may be necessary to establish compliance with the Building Regulations.

It's best to contact your local authority Building Control Service to discuss your individual circumstances before submitting a regularisation application.

Watch our video on what to do if you didn't get permission for your building work

Whichever type of application you make we come out and inspect the work at various stages giving advice and guidance to your builder and peace of mind for you. The stages we need to see will usually be agreed in advance.

Last Modified: 18/05/2023
For more information contact:

Building Control

Tel: 01633 647300

Email: buildingcontrol@torfaen.gov.uk

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