21st Century Schools Programme: An Overview

The 21st Century Schools programme is a One Wales commitment and a unique collaboration between the Welsh Government, the Welsh Local Government Association and councils. It is a major, long-term and strategic capital investment programme with the aim of creating a generation of 21st Century Schools in Wales. The programme will create schools of the right type and size in the right place.
There has already been significant investment in Torfaen (see Recent Projects). Torfaen is still left with the problems of surplus school places and ageing buildings. In 2011 Welsh Government asked councils across Wales to develop proposals to address these problems. Torfaen’s response is a £280milion investment programme that will:
- reduce the number of primary schools
- achieve maximum use of resources
- create flexible buildings and adaptable spaces to meet changing curriculum needs
- reduce surplus places at primary and secondary level
- release sites for reinvestment and reuse
- provide annual savings for re-investment and deal with a significant maintenance backlog
- reduce the number of smaller schools
- secure the future of the expanding Welsh language provision
These proposals will:
- create safe learning environments for schools and communities
- establish appropriate- sized schools in the right place and better use of resources to improve the cost effectiveness of the education system
- ensure all schools meet national building standards, while reducing costs and their carbon footprint
- provide inspirational and adaptable settings appropriate for educational developments and new ICT-rich technologies
- provide school facilities that can be shared and offer a range of co-located facilities, like childcare and adult education
- create inclusive settings that meet the individual learning needs of all pupils
In terms of our secondary schools this will help to deal with:
- the fact that all seven schools are in need of significant refurbishment and remodelling and some need to be demolished and rebuilt
- a significant maintenance backlog
- the issue of surplus places
- large transport costs resulting from out- of- date catchment areas
- the need and opportunity to transform sixth form learning
For the latest news on current projects visit the Latest News page.
Last Modified: 21/10/2021
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