Registering a Cooling Tower
Registering a Cooling Tower
Licence Summary |
If you control non-domestic premises, you must ensure that you notify the local authority of any cooling tower or evaporative condenser (notifiable devices) on the premises.
Notification must be in writing (including by electronic means) on a form approved by the Health & Safety Executive.
You must notify the local authority of any changes to the notification information within one month of the change, in writing.
If the device ceases to be a notifiable device you must notify the local authority or island or district council in writing as soon as possible.
Information and guidance on the law |
A summary of the regulation relating to this licence
How to apply |
If you wish to apply for a licence or change the details of an existing licence, the notification of cooling towers and evaporative condensers can be downloaded here.
Application fees |
The registration process is free.
The application process |
The process of registering a cooling tower is very straightforward. Once you have completed the application form, we will put your premises details onto the Cooling Towers Register. Please note that this register is a public document.
Once your premises are registered, we may inspect if your premises fall to us for health and safety enforcement, or sample as part of our sampling programme. However, it is unlikely that registration will affect your risk rating or the number of inspections we make at your premises.
Please note that you will need to amend your registration details if your business or your cooling tower changes in any way.
Please note that some details of your premises may be included on our web-site, and your details may also be shared with other statutory bodies as appropriate.
Does Tacit Approval apply? |
Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us by the end of the target completion period of 28 days from the submission of your completed application.
Appeals and Complaints |
If your application is refused, or if you do not accept any of the licence conditions imposed as part of the approval, you should contact the officer dealing with your licence in the first instance. We will always inform you of the appeal procedures when refusing a licence, or on request. We will also inform you of our complaints procedure, should you feel that your application has been improperly processed.
Other guidance |
Information on Legionella, its prevention and the law is available from the Health and Safety Executive.
Please Note - Torfaen County Borough Council (The Council) is under a duty to protect the public funds which it administers and to this end may use the information you provide within Torfaen County Borough Council for the prevention and detection of fraud. The Council may also share this information with other bodies administering or in receipt of public funds solely for these purposes. For further information, visit the National Fraud Initiative area of the website.
Last Modified: 08/03/2022
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