The British Newsletter - Edition 2 (September 2022)

Welcome to Edition 2 of ‘The British’ newsletter, bringing you the latest news from the Torfaen Council project team.
Read about the upcoming investigatory survey work which will be commissioned soon as part of Phase 1 works. (This stage is essential in addressing the challenging and historic health and safety hazards at The British and is the first piece in The British Masterplan jigsaw).
As part of our partnership working with Gwent Wildlife Trust (GWT), a range of exciting activities have already taken place at The British throughout the spring and summer. These have included guided walks, volunteer opportunities, family fun sessions as well as skills training.
Councillor Joanne Gauden, Executive Member for Economy, Skills & Regeneration, Torfaen council
Phase 1 Update
Critical site survey work to commence during autumn 2022
We’ll soon be commissioning extensive investigatory work which will inform the detailed design for the proposed mine entry remediation and above ground (new pond & watercourse) drainage scheme.
As part of this work subsurface (below ground earth material) land data will be captured via mechanical equipment and techniques such as:
- Geophysical (electromagnetic/magnetic) Surveys
- Trial Trenches & Pits to log soils types and sampling
- Geotechnical Boreholes
- Mine Entry Probe Holes
- Geotechnical and environmental sampling and testing
Information from these crucial investigations will be used to locate mine entry points, assess physical characteristics of the soils and rocks that make up the land and provide ground parameters/strategy for the proposed drainage scheme.
This first phase has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.
Gwent Wildlife Trust at The British: Spring & Summer Update
Since the launch in April 2022 of our partnership with GWT, an exciting and diverse programme of free wildlife focused events and activities have provided many opportunities for the local community to get involved and learn more about The British.
A number of special interest guided walks have been on offer. These have been led by experts such as Liam Olds (colliery spoil invertebrate specialist focusing on the unique species on the site), Gavin Vella (bio-acoustics specialist who helped event attendees spot and hear a huge range of birds) and Marion Williams (local historian and Torfaen Museum volunteer who focused on the site’s extensive industrial history). In addition, GWT’s President Chris Hatch and Andy Karran (GWT ecologist) both hosted general habitat walks.
A beginners dry-stone wall training course was held during July with assistance from Draenog Countryside & Wildlife. Families also took advantage of free fun sessions such as those hosted by local artist Tom Maloney. These featured a pollinator game, minibeast hunting and chalk drawing artwork.
The wildlife hasn’t disappointed either. A huge array has been seen including Stonechats, Grayling butterflies, Dingy Skippers, Red Kites, Golden-ringed Dragonflies and many more - all going to show just how amazing the biodiversity on the site is!
Thank you to all volunteers who have helped with litter picking plus butterfly and historic tree surveying - all helping to make The British a better understood place!
Find out more about GWT events and activities at The British at Gwent Wildlife Trust.
Get involved with environmental volunteering at The British!
Contact Lyn, Friends of The British Community Group on 07967350877
Keep up to date

Last Modified: 20/09/2022
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