The British Newsletter - Edition 1 (March 2022)

It’s a real pleasure to welcome you to Edition 1 of ‘The British’ newsletter, bringing you the latest progress from the Torfaen council project team on plans to regenerate the former ironworks site in Talywain.
Here you can read about the progress on essential first phase works (including the fascinating land and drainage surveys that are currently underway and providing vital insights and analysis) that are helping to address the challenges and hazards at the site. There’s also exciting news about additional opportunities for the local community to get involved - through the appointment of a dedicated Nature Recovery Officer at Gwent Wildlife Trust.
Please share this newsletter with friends and family - and please remember to sign up to receive future editions of the newsletter which will include updates and news about all the good work taking place at The British!!
Councillor Joanne Gauden, Executive Member for Economy, Skills & Regeneration, Torfaen council
Phase 1 Progress
Like all great Masterplans, the first piece of a jigsaw needs to be put in place before the full picture can be viewed. Following the successful “Meet the Project Team” event held in Autumn 2021 when we gained valuable feedback from the local community, we are delighted to be sharing our exciting news around continued progress with the first phase of works to regenerate this historical site.
Funding for Phase 1 works
This initial and essential first phase of works is being part funded by the European Union, through Welsh Ministers, with £2.983M* secured during 2021. Alongside this, significant Torfaen council financial funding commitments have been made. This means that essential first phase works can now be undertaken. These aim to:
- Improve the safety of underground mine entry points
- Reduce the risk of flooding by creating a new watercourse and pond.
* This first phase has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.
Critical survey works currently underway
In order to achieve the above, preliminary investigations are required which will enable the Torfaen council’s appointed Technical Advisors (Capita) to capture and analyse important site data (including 3D models). This information is vital to progressing to the principal design stage of the site and will help inform the next stage of investigatory work.
The two key Land and Drainage surveys recently commissioned are:
- LiDAR Drone Survey - a light detecting and ranging system which will help locate mine entry points (shafts and adits) along the proposed watercourse
- Confined Space Culvert Survey - enabling a detailed investigation of ‘outfall’ (the discharge point) for the proposed watercourse.
Opportunities for the local community to get involved
Alongside the initial phase of works, we’re also committed to providing a range of opportunities for the wider community to get involved and learn much more about ‘The British’ site. We’re excited to be working in partnership with Gwent Wildlife Trust (GWT) to this end - and delighted to learn that Mr Sam Ashman has been recently appointed within their team as Nature Recovery Officer to oversee this important engagement work with the community.
We’re very much looking forward to working with Sam and his colleagues in developing a range of interesting and engaging community / volunteer activities over the coming months and no doubt Sam will be starting conversations with various local groups (stakeholders) very soon.
In the meantime, if you would like to get involved please initially contact GWT via email or phone, 01600 740600 (select option 5), making reference to The British.
EVENT: Get Creative at The British
Date: Wednesday 13th April 2022
Location: Big Arch, The British, Talywain, Torfaen NP4 7SY
Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm (session 1) and 1:30pm – 3:00pm (session 2)
Creative, exploring fun for all the family and a great chance to get to know just how important bugs are! Join Buglife Cymru and Gwent Wildlife Trust on a bug hunt and let your imagination run free creating outdoor art! This FREE event is split over two sessions. One in the morning and another in the afternoon.
Spaces are limited so make sure you book your place.
For further info and booking, visit
Did you know ...
Myth: Funding is in place to deliver all the aspirations of the Masterplan
Fact: Currently funding is only in place to develop and deliver the first phase of works
Keep up to date
- Visit The British webpage
- If you haven’t already signed up to receive our newsletters and/or information about the activities you can get involved with, please contact The British Project team at Torfaen council on 01633 648083
- You can also request a full colour version of the March 2022 Newsletter

Last Modified: 09/03/2022
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