Traveller Education Service

Torfaen Traveller Education Service provide school-based support to assist Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) pupils and their schools. The team work on an outreach basis supporting pupils on a needs lead basis in line with the Torfaen graduated response and matrix of support. Many GRT young people and their families will require outreach support during their children’s education. Outreach provision is essential in building trusting relationships with the community, signposting and working with other services and providers.

The work undertaken and support provided by Gypsy Traveller Education Service includes:

  • Supporting the transition and admission of Gypsy and Traveller pupils into Torfaen Schools.
  • Supporting small groups/ individual pupils as part of schools planning.
  • Development of appropriate Learning Pathways for KS4 and post-16 Gypsy and Traveller young people
  • Supporting families to break down the barriers to engagement with learning
  • Engaging with pre-school and their families to support the transition into early year’s settings.
  • Supporting schools in assessing the needs and targeting of support for Gypsy and Traveller young people
  • Liaising with school, parents and other agencies in order to maximise engagement, attainment and progression of Gypsy Traveller young people
  • Raising awareness of Gypsy Traveller culture and lifestyle
  • Providing resources reflecting Traveller culture
  • Monitoring attendance, achievement and attainment levels
  • Facilitate links between home and school and support families accessing
  • Additional Education Welfare support where a child needs encouragement to attend school.
  • To provide small group or 1:1 contact time
  • To support exam pupils to meet  course work deadlines and access exams
  • Mentoring support for pupils

Referral Route

School or family can request involvement directly from  the service.

Contact Details

Lynne Robinson
Tel: 01495 762080/ 07980288362

Last Modified: 09/02/2022
For more information contact:

Inclusion Service

Tel: 01495 766929 or 01495 766968

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