Civic Play

Torfaen Play Service have opened a new play facility at Pontypool Civic Centre to support parents and children under the age of eleven.

The ‘Play Room’ is located on Floor 1 and offers a diverse range of play provisions for referred families to engage in, including Lego clubs, family play, dad’s groups, disability groups and a young carers play club.

A creche will also be available for parents who are attending training in the building.

To be eligible, families need to be referred to the Play Service through existing support networks such as Families First or Torfaen Early Years. Self-referrals can also be made by emailing 


Civic Play Timetable
Initiative Target GroupTeamFurther Info

Let’s Play LEGO Club - The session aims to increase social skills, confidence, and wellbeing. 

North based children   

Play Service

Every Tuesday
4pm - 5:30pm 

Family play session 1 - The session aims to provide a safe, warm, and welcoming environment for families to embrace play.

Families and children (under 5) 

Play Service 

Every Monday
12:30pm -2:00pm 

Family play session 2 - The session aims to provide a safe, warm, and welcoming environment for families to embrace play.

Families and children (under 5) 

Play Service 

Every Tuesday
12:30pm - 2:00pm   

Dads group - The session provides dad’s (or other male relatives) the chance to come together and spend quality time with their children, supported by a team of experienced staff.

Dads/male carers and children (under 5) 

Play Service and Early Years 

Every Monday
10:00am -11:30am   

Young Carers Play Club - The session aims to support young carers from Torfaen and provide them with the space and opportunity to play.

Young Carers based in the North of the borough (but open to all)   

Play Service and Torfaen Young Carers 

Every other Thursday
4:30pm - 6:00pm   

Last Modified: 24/04/2024
For more information contact:

Play Team

Tel: 01495 742951

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